As I see more and more movies coming out that are remakes of past books, comics or movies...I wonder. What will be the next source of pre-created stories or characters that Hollywood will tap into? I believe what sparked this pondering was the announcement of movie remakes of Hasbro toys. So again, what's next? A remake based off the "hang in there" kitty poster? I'll give you the answer, (long pause), cereal box characters. Can't you just see the Tim Burton version now, or maybe Micheal Bay will take it and blow it out of proportions like everything he does. I picture it very much like The Breakfast Club, no pun intended. Tony the Tiger is the bully jock, Count Chocula is the the gothic kid, the Trix Rabbit is the depressed kid that is always picked on for being a silly rabbit, Frankenberry is the dumb fat kid and the Lucky Charms Leprechaun is the foreign exchange student. The sad thing is that although this is meant to be comical there's a strong possibility of this actually coming true. Hollywood has grown a fear of an original film and are going to extremes to avoid one. It all started with Blade, once Hollywood saw that a movie based on a comic could thrive at the box office the idea was jumped on like hungry wolves to a carcus. I will admit it was entertaining at first, seeing what will be remade next was exciting, but it's getting ridiculous. It's like candy, the first few peices are good and you get a little suger buzz but after a few boxes your sick and left with depression after the high. It appears that comedy is the last source of originality, with its few exceptions. But I'm suprised that anime hasn't made its way to the big screen, and yes i'm not including the upcoming Dragonball Z movie because from the clips i've seen it looks less than noteworthy. I am no where ner an anime fan, much the opposite, but I feel that every genre deserves it's 15 minutes and I think its time. Much like what Blade did to comics and graphic novels one good anime remake would start the trend.