Super Mario Bros. was one of the first video game remakes and to this day is by far the best. Creativity doesn't even begin to describe the use of all aspects of the video game in 1993 classic. If you haven't been living under a rock for decades then you know the basic plot of Mario, the movie definitely adds alot to the story but still keeps the basics intact. Mario and Luigi Mario (played by Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo) run a plumbing company and after befriending paleontologist Daisy find themselves in an underground world, Dino World, when King Koopa sends his two henchmen to kidnap Daisy. I'm laughing while writing this because there's no way of describing it without it sounding like some animated Disney movie, but trust me it's very much the opposite (watch the trailer below). Director Annabel Jankel and Rocky Morton did a fantastic job turning the game we all love into a bad ass comedy/action that "Shouldn't Be Forgotten".