B.A.M on Twitter

Posted by Kyle On 5 - 25 - 2009

B.A.M is now on Twitter! Be Sure to check the new B.A.M Twitter page or for the latest Tweets look right below the Featured Content section...

Bruno Trailer

Posted by Kyle On 4 - 3 - 2009

Ishum gunna watch the new Red Band trailer for Bruno? Be sure to check out B.A.M's "Featured Videos" section for movie related humor and the latest movie trailers. This weeks new addition is the new Bruno trailer from Red Band...

Shouldn't be forgotten movie: Super Mario Brothers

Posted by Kyle On 4 - 3 - 2009

For the next installment of "Shouldn't be forgotten movie" I choose 1993's amazing video game remake Super Mario Brothers...

10 movies there will never be a sequel to

Posted by Kyle N. On 2 - 24 - 2009

In this decade of sequels I got to thinking of movies that are safe from being continued in a sequel. I decided on the following ten movies that there will never be a sequel to. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if they found a way to...

The new source of movie remakes

Posted by Kyle On 3 - 5 - 1009

As I see more and more movies coming out that are remakes of past books, comics or movies...I wonder. What will be the next source of pre-created stories or characters that Hollywood will tap into? I believe what sparked this pondering was the announcement of movie remakes of Hasbro toys...

Anton Yelchin denies Green Lantern rumors

Posted by Kyle N. On 7:10 PM
There were rumors going around recently the Anton Yelchin is to play The Green Lantern in the upcoming movie about the famous comic book character. IESB.net was at a Terminator Salvation panel at WonderCon and Yelchin himself denied the rumors. Yelchin said:

“I had no idea about that…I have no clue.” He continued, “I have no idea. I think I’m probably too young. I mean, no one has approached me. No one has said anything to me. I imagine I’m just too young. I mean, it’s a great character but i don’t know anything about it…I haven’t heard anything about it.”

In this time of super hero movies Yelchin would have to live up to a lot of expectations that I don' think he could meet. I am personally a fan of Yelchin's films and his role on Huff but he's not the superhero type. Some may argue that Tobey Maguire wasn't either but IESB says it best, "Women should be falling at his feet, something I don't see happening with Yelchin".

    ...Around Trailer

    Bruno Trailer

    Where the Wild Things Are Trailer

    Inglorious Basterds: Behind the scenes

    100 Movie Spoilers in 5 Minutes

    If All Movies Had Cell Phones

    Terminator Salvation Trailer