The majority of movies that have come out in the past three or four years, to me, have marked the fall of creative minds in the movie industry. It's a difficult task to see a movie that isn't a remake of a past movie, comic or book; or a sequel of a movie that shouldn't have had a sequel. Now, obviously it takes a large amount of talent to adapt something like a book and put your own spin on it but it's a lot like painting by numbers. The picture (characters and basic plot) is already there and outlined, you just have to fill in the spaces. I need the Pulp Fiction of my generation. On the upside I hate reading, so I do get to see these great stories without turning a page. Even though I have seen and loved all these movies deep down it bothers me that filmmakers saw how well remakes like Spiderman did and decided to take the easy way out to make a quick few million. Would a professor give a student an A for copying a whole paper, then why are these filmmakers making millions from people like me doing the same thing. I don't see an end anywhere in the near future either, by the time they run out of things to remake the remakes of remakes will start. Eventually the same dozen movies will be re-released every summer.
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