Although the trailer has not yet been set free to the public, the plot for the inevitable sequel has. You can expect that the characters you loved from last years box office smash to return in the sequel, for the exception of Don Cheadle replacing Terrence Howard as Rhodey. Mickey Rourke and Sam Rockwell will be playing as the villains fighting against Robert Downy Jr., returning as Iron Man. Rockwell will be playing Justin Hammer, a character much like Tony Starke in that they share a knack for business and are both very rich. Rourkes role however, is not completely clear. states:
Reports say that Rourke would play a tattooed Russian heavy named Ivan who comes a man with deadly, technologically enhanced coils. While another source adds that Rourke would play the Crimson Dynamo. "He's considered to be an evil version of Iron Man because he battles the superhero in a nuclear-powered suit of armor."
There are also talks that Emily Blunt, who was originally casted as Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow, is no longer available due to other projects and may be replaced by Scarlett Johanssen. Even though I have previously bashed the constant influx of sequels and remakes, I must admit that almost counting the days until this release.